Illustration of a comunity engaging in sustainable activities including recycling and litter picking banner image

Help create your own Circular Community

8 July 2024

Help create your own Circular Community

Scotland’s Towns Partnership and Zero Waste Scotland have worked together to develop a Circular Towns Toolkit.

The Toolkit features a number of steps individuals and groups can take to benefit from the sustainable possibilities in their own area as well as case studies from existing circular community projects.

Zero Waste Scotland’s 20 ideas to kickstart your circular community is also a great resource and includes suggestions you can introduce in your local area.

The Circular Towns Toolkit features case studies and examples of possible activities under the following headers, and can also be of use to village and rural communities:

  • Reducing single use
  • Reducing consumption in your community
  • Tackling food waste at a local level
  • Creating sustainable opportunities for the local economy
  • Creating sustainable places
  • Running sustainable events