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Free community resilience training from Met Office

6 February 2025

Free community resilience training from Met Office

The Met Office is offering a series of free courses in community resilience issues.

Community responders and the voluntary sector play a crucial role in the resilience of the UK. The Met Office training courses are aimed at those who work or volunteer in the local community to make them more resilient to severe weather events.

The Met Office have a key role under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 to provide information to Category 1 and 2 responders but also to warn and inform the public around severe weather. These courses provide an opportunity for community responders, and the voluntary sector who collaborate closely with local responders, to increase their knowledge and find sources of information to assist them as they respond to severe weather.

There are three different sessions which will each be offered twice between March and June:

  • Met Office Information, Products and Services This 1½-hour course will look at the wide variety of weather information, products and services that are available to community responders and the voluntary sector to aid them in their role. It will include a look at the services available during periods of severe weather but also other information that may be helpful. (Tuesday 11 March and Wednesday 18 June, both 4pm – 5:30pm)
  • Summer Weather Hazards This course is designed to provide further information about specific weather risks associated with summer, which is often one of the more active seasons of the year. Over the 1½ hours we will look at the risks and the products provided by the Met Office for community responders and the public along with selected examples of previous events. (Thursday 24 April and Thursday 22 May, both 4pm – 5:30pm)
  • Climate Change & Community This 1½-hour session will set out to explain Climate Change to community responders and the voluntary sector, what the current state of the climate is within the UK and around the globe, plus a look at what the future climate may hold. This will lead to an increased knowledge around the issues and potential impacts we may face in the future and where further information can be found to assist with planning and preparation. (Tuesday 6 May and Thursday 26 June, both 4pm – 5:30pm)

To book, click on the date of the course you wish to attend from the links above. After completing the registration, an invite will go into your calendar, with joining instructions and handouts emailed to you a week or so before the course is due to take place.

Find out more about the Met Office community resilience courses here.