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Met Office resilience training: Climate Change & Community

Thursday 26 June 2025 4pm - 5:30pm

Met Office resilience training: Climate Change & Community

This free 1½-hour session will set out to explain Climate Change to community responders and the voluntary sector, what the current state of the climate is within the UK and around the globe, plus a look at what the future climate may hold. This will lead to an increased knowledge around the issues and potential impacts we may face in the future and where further information can be found to assist with planning and preparation.

Part 1: Climate Science

This part will focus on the fundamentals of climate science, greenhouse gas emissions, current changes observed in global climate and the current state of the UK climate.

Part 2: Climate Projections

This part will move on to look at aspects of the future climate, what the UK is projected to see in the years to come and where information around this can be found. We will then finish off with a look at emission reduction and local adaptation actions that can be taken.

Sign up here for the session at 4pm on Thursday 26 June 2025.