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LPP training: An Introduction to NPF4 for your Local Place Plan

Wednesday 19 March 5:30pm - 6:30pm

LPP training: An Introduction to NPF4 for your Local Place Plan

Writing your Statement of Regard to Statutory Plans: An Introduction to National Planning Framework 4 for your Local Place Plan

You can sign up for this session here. Any problems please contact

  • A Local Place Plan is different from a Community Action Plan is several ways.  But one of the trickiest to understand is the requirement to offer reasons for (justify) your proposals in terms of the existing policy documents that control development in your area.
  • A Local Place Plan and its proposals to influence the planning system must take into account the existing powerful regional and national statutory planning documents, showing how your proposals comply or not.  But what do those documents actually say?
  • This session is an introduction to the most significant planning policy document of all.
  • National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) contains 33 key policies that must be complied with across Scotland when decisions about development and planning are taken.
  • NPF4 already shapes development in your area, and will continue to do so for the lifetime of your Local Place Plan.

This introduction will give you confidence in finding you way around this document and using its policies to show the importance, significant and compliance of the proposals you are submitting in your Local Place Plan with a Q&A at the end.

All training sessions will be delivered by Imagine If.Space and Place at the Table.